Luxury/Exotics Reviews

Knitters today have incredible choices for fibers of uncommon quality. Before investing time and a commitment of cash many have asked us about how bison, cashmere, paper, possum, silks, stainless steel, qiviut, yak or blends perform on the needles. Companies that produce or distribute these also offer designs and patterns created specifically for these exotic creations. We’ll link projects on pages for comparison and feedback from our test knitters – and about how they hold up or wear over time.

Stiletto points.

Stiletto points. Signature needles hold up well, even with ferocious daily knitting.

Qiviut and Signature needles profile, story.

Photo Moo Dog Press.Stories about the companies created by people with passion and dedication to bring exceptional colors, blend, skeins and hanks into being are part of the journey in knitting.