“Some people strengthen the society just by being the kind of people they are.” – John W. Gardner
And we the people need more of those kinds of people who stabilize life by living with integrity. Responsibility. Emotional mastery. Accountability. Courage. Consideration for others. Lack of blame. Leadership by example in all walks of life. My mother and father had these qualities. Though not perfect people, they brought their brood to state parks for outings; city parks for the beauty; to the Peabody Museum of Natural History, just because of curiosity. My mother understood my innate craving for learning and libraries and books – and was patient (mostly) when I got lost in the stacks and forgot time, drunk of the nearly endless procession of books and authors waiting to speak what they know or share a creation. Writers read; readers write.

A selection of marled tweed yarns and one of Noro yarn from the knitting tote seen at right with a patient Boston terrier – used to multiple fittings as work progresses.
Having served as editor for a business magazine, and then in the corporate arena, research is part of life and business. Librarians are information pros who aid and feed the pursuit process. Nowadays, public libraries must perform many functions in a community, sometimes serving more of a babysitter than as a temple of knowledge and learning. Courtesy and tolerance must be maintained, however. There are many places for ignorance, but only a few beacons in society for uplifting humanity and encouraging it to grow.
Crickets slow down their chirps as temperatures drop. Knitting accelerates. Seeking balance and hope when shouting, crass remarks, displays of poor manners and lack of self-control by so-called adults seem acceptable behavior, a long excursion into state forest and a river serves as tonic.